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Title : Loving Kolkata in Seven Stages

Artist : Anushree Ghosh

Country : India

Year : 2021

Medium : PDF with images and text


It is the Kolkata that dwells in the past with a partially forsaken future- the ghosts of the past often resurrect and linger freely to claim spaces in the empty structures as well as on the crowded streets. This is the Kolkata that has not learnt to throw tantrums like its other counterparts, and proudly celebrates being an upholder of ‘the past’. The footprints of these ‘spirits of the past’ are often found on the stairs of the ghats listening to their own stories and searching for the lost jewels with the authentic hallmark. In retrospect, sometimes they play an anti-thesis of exorcism where they unite as different souls in the same body.

So, It couldn’t be as simple as ‘Love At First Sight' with a happy ending but love that simmers for hours/days/years before it transforms into an esoteric concoction. Love that transforms, and changes shapes, and how we know love through Arabic literature....

Dilkashi (Attraction)
Uns (Infatuation)
Ishq (Love)
Akidat (Trust)
Ibaadat (Worship)
Junoon (Madness)
Maut (Death)

Collaborators :

Mukesh Chandra : Loves to capture emotions and documents the vibe of the city through his lens.

Budhaprabha Roy: admires art in every bit; makes images videos and music.

Deepak Nanda : believes in 'Vasudeva Kutumbakam' and hence discovers life in everything through his lens.